All Colours of Innovation
A story about the future of digital printing ink management set in Peru.
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Inter Ser has carried out numerous concrete actions to continue its operations during the emergency
Ever since the start of the current health crisis, Inter Ser has taken a number of actions designed first and foremost to protect its employees.
The company was quick to adopt all the necessary tools and organisational resources to enable employees to work from home while guaranteeing the operational continuity needed to support international customers.
It resumed shipments of materials in stock several days ago as permitted by the government decree and is set to restart production on 4 May in accordance with the Prime Ministerial Decree of 26 April which allows companies to resume production activities and return to full-scale operation.
Thanks to its financial solidity, Inter Ser has guaranteed full employment of all employees without making use of the “social shock absorbers” provided by the Italian government. Moreover, confirming its constant commitment to the health and well-being of its workers, the company led by the Zanoni brothers has taken out a Covid-19 insurance policy for the benefit of employees who contract the virus.
Inter Ser has also demonstrated its sense of responsibility and reliability towards its suppliers, undertaking to honour payments with the same punctuality that it has prided itself on throughout its 25-year history.
“Even at such a difficult time, we are firmly convinced that it is vital not to interrupt the virtuous chain that sustains the economy of every community, business and nation,” says CEO Gian Luca Zanoni. “We have always been a global company but we feel like one big family, proud to maintain strong and valuable relationships with everyone, including our suppliers, customers and employees.”
A story about the future of digital printing ink management set in Peru.
P.IVA: 01867890020
CAP.SOC.: 1.000.000,00 INT. VERSATO