Replacing SPINGUM tube with ROLLERPRESS is the solution to many of your problems
Does the spingum tube give you these production problems?
– Irregular layer of engobe under tiles?
– Vibrations during rotation?
– Splash drops of refractory product on tile surface causing quality downgrade?
– Uneven application with areas with too much product and areas without?
– Over applied product creates deformations of the tiles or defects that are visible on the surface under reflecting lights?
– Staining patterns transmitted during stacking storage on platforms after firing or in the finish good warehouse inside the boxes?
– Decrease the density of the engobe to reduce patches defects but then having more body/glaze stuck on the kiln’s rollers causing frequent stops for cleaning?
We have the solution: replacing the SPINGUM with the ROLLERPRESS
You will no longer have the above-mentioned problems and consequently:
– Apply engobe evenly distributed allowing you to reduce the stops to change and clean the ceramic rollers of the kiln.
– Less breakage of rollers during replacement or during cleaning process with a final lower ceramic rollers’ consumption.
– Reduce tile defect and reject.
– Minimize problems of flatness in the kiln due to touching corners.
– Better movement and order of the rows inside the kiln, with easy handling at kiln exiting, more safety for operators and reduction of reject.
P.IVA: 01867890020
CAP.SOC.: 1.000.000,00 INT. VERSATO